Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Immaculate Conception

The Immaculate Conception is the dogma that Mary was conceived without original sin. This is a belief held since the time of the apostles.

-Often when explaining this dogma, the angel Gabriel is referenced as saying ""Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28) In the original Greek, "kecharitomene" is used, which is translated to the English "full of grace." The Greek work, "kecharitomene" means that she recieved this grace in the past not because of the angel's visit and that its effects are continuing.

-This teaching is often rejected by Fundamentalists because in the Bible it says "all have sinned" (Rom. 3:23). However, not everyone has sinned. One example is of course Jesus Christ. Additionally, before reaching the age of reason no one can sin because they cannot choose between good and evil. Someone might say that they have original sin which is true, but that is not their sin that they committed but the effects of the fall. The phrase "have sinned" implies that one actually committed a sin. Thus, not everyone has sinned.

-Another objection is that if Mary had not sinned then that would mean she would not need a savior which is contrary to the Gospel - Mary said her "spirit rejoices in God my Savior" (Luke 1:47). However, lets say someone was walking and fell into a hole. Then a person got them out of that hole and saved them. Another person was walking the same path, but before they fell into the hole the person held them back and prevented them from falling into the hole. This person was also saved. This is the way Mary was saved from sin - she was saved by Christ's grace at her conception.

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